Commercial & Industrial Electrical Service

Are you looking for a Southern California Commercial Electrician?
As a professional electrical contracting firm with over 30 years of commercial / industrial experience we can help you save time and money by determining a plan of action for any type of project you may have throughout Southern California:
- Basic installations, emergencies, or repairs when customers call we are ready to respond 24/7 whether the need is for a competitive request for proposal, basic electrical work, or the need for emergency service.
- Office and warehouse servicemay include relocating office equipment power for such items as copiers, printers, paper compactors, testing/replacing circuit breakers, circuit tracing, new panel installations, engineering, and troubleshooting.
- Industrial installations for all plant, manufacturing, and related facilities may include equipment power moves, or power decommissioning, motor controls, circuit tracing, power installations, troubleshooting, circuit breaker testing / replacements.
- Underground conduit installations and consulting for inner office, and or exterior project needs where trenching is a must to install new or replace damaged wire or conduit which has deteriorated. Keeping the job clean at all times and being able to install conduit in a timely manner so that re patching asphalt or concrete can be completed quickly.
- Computer room power installing UPS systems or under floor cabling keeping these types of related installations clean, neat, and properly labeled.
- 24 hour service is maintained 7 days a week, including holidays.
- Corporate or national accounts are welcome and we have many companies that utilize our services throughout Southern California and call orders can be by phone or e-mail.

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